It’s amazing how God heals and speaks when we are willing to deal with our hurt and listen to Him. I recently had an encounter with someone that left me feeling hurt and rejected. I realized that my anger was building, and I did not like that. So, I sat down to journal and talk to God about it. I asked Him to take away my hurt & anger and expressed my willingness to do whatever it takes to cooperate with Him. I thought through the situation and how I felt, pouring out my heart to God (Psalm 62:8). Then I prayed, “God, I give you these hurts and ask that You heal my heart and teach me Your Truth. I’m listening if there’s anything you want to say to me right now.” Sure enough, He did have something to say. This is what I heard in my heart:
I love you MORE!!!! (more than this person ever could or will) Rest in my love. Be full in my love. Keep loving this person whether they love you back or not…And forgive.
I accepted His love and chose to forgive the person who hurt me. I was filled with an overwhelming peace. WOW!!! God is GOOD!!!! (John 15:13; Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:7-11)
Great post! Just what I needed to hear.