At New Life Design, we have discovered that it’s not hard to live the Christian life, it’s impossible! But we’re here to tell you – there is Someone who can and will live His life through you! As a result of applying this truth in our own lives, we have begun to experience the victory of Christ as our life, and we want you to know that there is hope! We would love the opportunity to share with you this life changing message. We invite you to take a little time to discover what is already there, and then begin to appropriate it into your life!
Whether you’re having relational issues in marriage, want to prepare for marriage or need to address issues as an individual, we want you to know we would love to talk with you! We do not pretend to have all the answers, but we know the One who does.
It is our sincere hope that you will peruse through our site and discover the truth of Christ as Life that will change your life!