Hello Everyone…..I hope the title there got your attention! Many of us who have come to embrace God’s grace and exchanging our lives for Christ life have come out of a very legalistic way of thinking. You may have only wadded knee deep in it or if you are like me you have had periods of your life where you swam in it! To be honest, I had no idea how legalistic my thinking had become. I was shocked and quite frankly appalled at some of the beliefs that I held on to when God allowed my legalistic rules to completely unravel my life. The quiz provided below is a way to help you discern legalistic thoughts and the resulting emotions and behaviors. So I challenge you to take the quiz, laugh a little at yourself but on a serious note take stock of your beliefs and values and make sure they are Biblical and balanced full of Grace & Truth.
The Quiz!
1. God’s degree of love for me depends on what I do.
2. Meeting the expectations of others, especially those in my congregation or in positions of authority, are paramount.
3. Moral and ethical questions are usually black and white and only made into fuzzy shades of gray by hand-wringing, bleeding-heart types.
4. I try hard to obey God and it irritates me that others think they can get away with avoiding the same level of dedication.
5. I fall short because I don’t have enough faith, or because I haven’t prayed enough, or because i just need to be a better peron.
6. God is predisposed to be angry with me because I am a sinner. My main goal in life is to try to gain God’s favor by doing things that will impress Him.
7. My sense of spiritual well-being is linked to a Christian leader or membership in my church rather than a personal relationship with God.
8. I tell my children not to do something in chruch or around other Christian families that I allow in my home.
9. I believe my church is God’s true church and that most other Christians may be sincere, but are sincerly wrong.
10. The exterior choices a person makes in what they wear, hairstyle, piercings, tattoos, etc. is a clear indication of that person’s character.
11. I sometimes worry that people might take advantage of grace if it’s preached too much-people might think they can do anything they want.
12. After being around Christians for a while I feel drained-weary of putting up a false front.
13. When I happen to miss a service or activity of my church I feel quilty.
14. I will likely get into heaven, even though I’m far from perfect, because I have tried to be a basically good person and God will take that into account.
Well….how did you do? Now, one word of caution….If you just took the quiz and are sitting there thinking, “Oh, I don’t believe any of that, I have never thought any of those things!”…..be careful…..you might be a (warning…..this could hurt) self righteous legalist. Often times we are all quilty of covering up what is really there by having a very sujective view of ourselves. We are constantly focused on ourselves and being significant & secure so therefore we must appear great and look like we have it all together spiritually. That thought right there lends itself to legalistic thinking and living. It amazes me that out of all of the clients that we see the ones who stuggle the most with the message that we share are the legalists. I think back in my own life that God had to really humble me and bring me to the end of myself (which was quite excruciating) for me to “get it”. I am also reminded that the only people that Jesus Christ was ever really “harsh” with were the Pharisees and yes…it was the Pharisees that missed Him. We need to let this be a red flag for us….let’s ask God to reveal the legalistic thoughts and behaviors in our lives that we may not even be aware of.
Roll Tide!